Little Bart was brought in to see the vet after his owner noticed that he was not his usual self. He was not wanting lethargic, vomiting, and not wanting to eat any food.
After ruling out several leads as to what was bothering Bart, Dr Dani decided that x-rays might show us why he was unhappy. After taking several x-rays, Dani was suspicious of a foreign body. and after having a better feel of Bart’s tummy whilst under sedation, it became clear what the problem was. Dr Dani was about to feel a hard round object in Bart’s abdomen, which indicated that he had eaten something he shouldn’t have.
Once Dr Dani had Bart under a general anaesthetic, it was time to investigate! She very quickly found that the obstruction was in Bart’s intestine which she was able to quickly remove.
Nurse Tia made sure that Bart’s recovered was anaesthesia was as smooth as possible and he managed to make a full recovery. He stayed overnight with us and loved every bit of attention he was given.
Bart is now back home and his owner has since reported that he is a bit brighter and is enjoying being back at home with his half sister Lisa.